World of birds

Explore the fascinating world of birds on my website! Immerse yourself in a collection of images I've captured over the years. From majestic birds of prey to colorful songbirds, my gallery is constantly expanding to bring you even more diversity of species. Stay tuned for new discoveries and let yourself be enchanted by the beauty and diversity of the bird world!

Ein Riesenfischuhu in der Dunkelheit fliegt genau auf die Kamera zu meit seiner Beute
Ein Shika-Hirsch mit großen Geweih steht auf einem Hange im goldenen Licht der untergehnden Sonne

World of Mammals

Explore the fascinating world of mammals! Discover informative profiles and photos that offer insights into the diversity of these animals. From playful primates to elegant deer, dive in and learn more about these impressive creatures.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians that I have been able to photograph during my tours and travels. My profiles provide detailed information about these fascinating animals, their habitats, and behaviors. This makes the images of my encounters with these creatures even more interesting and offers you a deeper insight into their world.

Eine Japnan Erdkröte sitzt neben einem kleinen Pilz auf dem Moos und schaut direkt in die Kamera