
Experience the beauty of nature and its wild animals. Get valuable tips, informative articles, and inspiring images all about wildlife photography, and find inspiration for your next adventure.

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Do you want to learn more about…?

  • Nature photographer Markus from wildenatur.com capturing a sunset.

    Nature Photography Travel Reports

    Experiences, insights, and nature photos from my travels. From Germany to Japan.

  • Two cameras, each on a tripod, standing freely in nature.

    Wildlife Photography Equipment

    Everything about photography equipment for nature photography. Practical insights to help you with wildlife photography.

  • Download area for eBooks to improve your nature photography skills (currently available only in German)

    Tips for Better Photos

    Download my eBook for free to take your nature photography to the next level. Currently available only in German.

Wild Japan

On my wildlife tours in Japan, I have captured some impressive animals on camera. You can experience these in my travel blog "Wild Japan."

Did you know that the Blakiston's fish owl (Bubo blakistoni) is one of the rarest owls in the world?

In the latest issue (8/24) of the German popular science magazine "Welt der Wunder” (en: World of Wonders) there is an article about this impressive bird species. I am particularly proud that one of my photos, showing the Blakiston's fish owl in frontal flight, was prominently featured in this article.

Do you want to learn more about…?

  • Tutorials and tips to help you take better photos from wildenatur.com, capturing a sunset.

    Wildlife Photography Tutorials

    Tutorials and tips to help you master your next photo adventure in the great outdoors.

  • Fox description and details of the photographed images from wildenatur.com

    Animal Profiles

    Dive into our fascinating observations from recent years and discover the diverse world of nature.

  • Osprey from the portfolio of Markus Nilles from Wildenatur.com

    Portfolio Wildenatur.com

    A showcase of my work in wildlife photography. Images that capture unique moments for me.

An overview with reviews and practical examples

Hello everyone!

I'm glad you discovered my page, Wildenatur.com. I'm Markus, a wildlife photographer.

You can learn more about me here.