Great tit (Parus major)

Eurasian nuthatch or wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea) - This photo was taken in Hokkaido, Japan

Key data

  • Size: 13 - 15 cm

  • Weight: 14 - 22 g

  • Diet: Insects, seeds, fruits, nuts, and berries

  • Season: All year round

  • Observation tip:  Europe, Asia, and North Africa

Photography tips:

  • Lens: 600 mm or greater

  • Difficulty level: easy

The great tit (Parus major) is a small songbird belonging to the tit family (Paridae). It is approximately 15 cm long and has a wingspan of about 8 cm. The plumage of the great tit is unmistakable, with black, white, and yellow markings. The head, neck, and throat are black, while the wings and tail are black and white striped. The belly and chest are yellow, and the bill is short, sturdy, and black.

Great tits are highly adaptable birds that occur in a variety of habitats, including forests, parks, gardens, and urban areas. They are frequent visitors to bird feeders and can be seen in groups of up to twenty birds. Their diet consists of insects, seeds, fruits, nuts, and berries. Insects make up a larger portion of their diet in spring and summer, while they shift more to seeds in autumn and winter.

This species of bird can also be very tame and even feed from the hand when they become accustomed to humans.


🇩🇪 Wer schreibt hier:

Servus zusammen,

mein Name ist Markus und seit 2014 widme ich mich der Video- & Fotografie von Naturmotiven. Diese Leidenschaft begann während meiner zahlreichen Reisen durch Japan - von Hokkaido im Norden bis hinunter nach Okinawa im Süden. Diese Erfahrungen haben mich wieder stärker mit der Natur verbunden und auch die WildeNatur vor meiner eigenen Haustür entdecken lassen.

🇺🇸 Who is writing here:
Hello everyone,
My name is Markus, and I've been passionate about video and photography of nature scenes since 2014. This passion started during my many trips across Japan—from the northern reaches of Hokkaido all the way down to Okinawa in the south. These journeys have helped me reconnect with nature and also explore the wild beauty right outside my own front door.


Large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)


White-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)