Western house martin (Delichon urbicum)
Western house martin (Delichon urbicum) - Rügen Germany
The House Martin – A Graceful Bird Close to Humans
Learn about the House Martin (Delichon urbicum): appearance, habitat, diet, and breeding. A fascinating bird that lives near humans and is a true master of flight!
Table of Contents
- Key Facts: House Martin at a Glance
- Introduction: The Elegant Aerial Acrobat
- Appearance: Striking Black and White Contrast
- Habitat: Close to Humans and Buildings
- Breeding: Life in Colonies
- Diet and Flight: Master of Insect Hunting
- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About House Martins
- Quick Facts – Color Features
Key Facts: House Martin at a Glance
- Size: 12–15 cm (4.7–5.9 inches)
- Weight: 16–22 g (0.6–0.8 oz)
- Feathers: Black on the top, white below, with a pure white rump
- Beak: Small, black, with a wide opening for catching insects
- Eyes: Dark brown to black, small, with a watchful look
- Feet: Delicate, black, perfect for clinging to walls and nesting sites
- Habitat: Towns, villages, farmland, Europe, Asia, North Africa
- Breeding: 2–3 broods per year, 3–5 eggs per brood
- Diet: Flying insects like mosquitoes, flies, and aphids
- Preferred areas: Open landscapes with buildings and nearby water
- Special feature: Lives close to humans, builds nests on buildings
Introduction: The Elegant Aerial Acrobat
The House Martin (Delichon urbicum) is a small but extraordinary bird. Known for its elegant flight and ability to live near humans, it is a familiar sight in towns and villages during spring and summer. With its striking black-and-white feathers and amazing skills in catching flying insects, the House Martin is both beautiful and fascinating.
Appearance: Striking Black and White Contrast
The House Martin is a small bird with a sleek body designed for speed and agility in the air. Its upper body, including the head, back, and wings, is shiny black, often reflecting a blue metallic glow in sunlight. The lower body, from the throat to the belly, is bright white.
A special feature is the white rump, which is clearly visible during flight. The small black beak is wide enough to catch insects mid-air, while its dark brown to black eyes give it a sharp and alert expression.
Its legs and feet are thin and black. While these are rarely used for walking, they are strong enough to hold onto walls or other vertical surfaces, especially when building nests.
Habitat: Close to Humans and Buildings
House Martins are cultural followers, which means they like to live near humans. You can find them in towns, villages, and farms, where they build their nests under roofs, on walls, or even under bridges. They prefer open areas with water nearby, as these provide plenty of insects to eat and good nesting spots.
Their range covers Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They are most active in spring and summer when they return from their winter migration to Africa.
Breeding: Life in Colonies
House Martins live and breed in colonies, often with many nests close together. They build their nests from mud, saliva, and small pieces of earth. These nests are half-sphere-shaped and usually placed under roofs or on walls.
Each year, House Martins can have 2–3 broods. A typical brood consists of 3–5 eggs, which both parents incubate for 14–16 days. After hatching, the chicks are fed by both parents and grow quickly. They leave the nest after 20–25 days.
Diet and Flight: Master of Insect Hunting
House Martins eat almost only flying insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and aphids. They catch their food while flying and are most active near fields, water, or areas with lots of insects.
Their ability to glide, dive, and turn quickly in the air makes them perfect hunters. With their wide beaks, they can grab multiple insects in a single swoop.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About House Martins
1. Why do House Martins build nests on buildings?
Buildings provide safe spots from predators and bad weather.
2. What do House Martins eat?
They eat flying insects like mosquitoes, flies, and aphids.
3. How can I help House Martins?
You can help by protecting their nests or setting up artificial nesting aids.
4. When can I see House Martins in Europe?
They are usually in Europe from spring to autumn before migrating to Africa for the winter.
5. Why are House Martins called cultural followers?
Because they prefer living near people and use buildings for nesting.
Quick Facts – Color Features:
- Feathers: Black on top, shiny with a blue hue, and white below
- Rump: Bright white
- Beak: Black and small
- Eyes: Dark brown to black
- Legs: Black and delicate
House Martin (Delichon urbicum) flying