Wild Germany

Wild Blog about my photo adventures in Germany

Here I share my experiences and adventures as I roam through the impressive landscapes and rich wildlife of our country. From the forests of Bavaria to the wind-swept coasts of the North and Baltic Seas – on this blog, I take you along on my little adventures in wild Germany. Join me on my small adventures and discover how diverse and surprising the German WildNature can be!

Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) from the Palatinate: exotic, colorful, wild
Markus Markus

Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) from the Palatinate: exotic, colorful, wild

My first encounter with the colorful and exotic-looking bee-eaters in Germany. The colorful European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) were not easy to photograph at first. After several attempts over the past few years, we finally succeeded. **My challenges in photography up to equipment recommendations** are detailed in this article about the Palatinate bee-eaters.

Wildlife Season Start in Bavaria
Markus Markus

Wildlife Season Start in Bavaria

Three weeks have passed since my return from my Japan trip, and I still have many pictures to sort through. At the same time, spring is just around the corner, and I haven't been outside much in recent weeks due to catching up on work and personal life. For those who don't know what I'm referring to when I mention my trip..

The Urban Foxes of Berlin
Markus Markus

The Urban Foxes of Berlin

This week, I was in Berlin for work and unfortunately did not have the opportunity to visit the surrounding areas for photography, as my schedule was packed. It would have been great to explore the

Osprey Season in Bavaria
Markus Markus

Osprey Season in Bavaria

The ospreys are back! They are slowly returning from their wintering grounds to their breeding sites. Currently, it is very likely to spot ospreys even in areas during the…

Osprey Bavaria Hunting - Video
Markus Markus

Osprey Bavaria Hunting - Video

The osprey is one of the favorites in the German wilderness. The hunting style of this bird is simply spectacular. At the end of March, I was fortunate enough to witness an osprey during its hunt for food..

White-Tailed Eagles in Upper Palatinate — Photo Approach #2
Markus Markus

White-Tailed Eagles in Upper Palatinate — Photo Approach #2

One of my photographic goals was to capture photos of white-tailed eagles in Bavaria that showed more than just eagles in the sky. I aimed to photograph these majestic birds in various settings and behaviors, highlighting their interactions with the environment. By doing so, I hoped to convey a deeper sense of their natural habitat and daily activities.

Magic Light - Planning Wildlife Photography for the Golden Hour
Markus Markus

Magic Light - Planning Wildlife Photography for the Golden Hour

In this article, I want to take you along and describe how I photographed my project Animal Silhouettes in Magic Light. I will share the techniques I used, the challenges I faced, and the moments of magic that made it all worthwhile. From selecting the perfect locations to timing the shots for the golden hour…
