What’s JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)?
JPG is a common file format for digital images, also abbreviated as JPEG. The abbreviation stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, a group of experts who developed the format in 1992. JPG files are often used in photography and graphic design because they offer a good balance between file size and image quality. The JPG format is a lossy compression format, which means that the file size is reduced by removing data that is not perceptible to the human eye. However, this compression is not without losses, as some details in the image can be lost. This can lead to a decrease in image quality with high compression, known as compression artifacts. JPG files can typically be opened and edited with a variety of image editing programs. The format is also widely used on the internet because it can load quickly due to its small file size. However, JPG files also have their limitations, especially when it comes to post-processing. Since the format is lossy, editing the image can further degrade the quality. For this reason, it is often recommended to save the original image in RAW format, if available, to ensure maximum flexibility in post-processing.

🇩🇪 Wer schreibt hier:
Servus zusammen,
mein Name ist Markus und seit 2014 widme ich mich der Video- & Fotografie von Naturmotiven. Diese Leidenschaft begann während meiner zahlreichen Reisen durch Japan - von Hokkaido im Norden bis hinunter nach Okinawa im Süden. Diese Erfahrungen haben mich wieder stärker mit der Natur verbunden und auch die WildeNatur vor meiner eigenen Haustür entdecken lassen.
🇺🇸 Who is writing here:
Hello everyone,
My name is Markus, and I've been passionate about video and photography of nature scenes since 2014. This passion started during my many trips across Japan—from the northern reaches of Hokkaido all the way down to Okinawa in the south. These journeys have helped me reconnect with nature and also explore the wild beauty right outside my own front door.